Here are two reasons why you should consider selling during the holidays.

It’s difficult to believe that the holidays are just around the corner. Some people consider the holiday season to be the worst time to sell your home. However, while sales tend to drop a bit in November and December, there are two main reasons why it’s a great idea to sell during the holidays:

1. Buyers are more serious. Anyone looking for a home during the holidays is a serious buyer and typically has a deadline to meet. January is a popular month for corporate relocations and job transfers, so buyers frequently want to buy a new home and move in before the end of the year. 

“Stage and photograph the property before the holiday decorations go up. ”

2. Fewer homes on the market. Fewer homes means less competition. Most sellers wait until after the holidays to put their homes on the market, or if their home is already on the market, they’ll take it off during the holidays. Either way, your house will have less competition.

If you’re considering selling, I advise you to move quickly for a couple of reasons. First, you should stage and photograph the property before the holiday decorations go up. Taking photos earlier in the autumn allows for more natural light and makes your outdoor space look better because of leaves on the trees, brighter colors, etc. Second, the later we are in the year, the more likely we are to have bad weather, which makes showings more challenging. 

If you aren’t going to be selling your home until December and can’t take the photos beforehand, think clean, cozy, and simple when decorating for the holidays. Use your best decorations to accentuate your home’s nicest features, not to add clutter. 

If you have questions about selling your home during the holidays or any other real estate matter, please don’t hesitate to contact me via phone or email. I would love to help you.